It’s About Knowing


Recently my roommate described a mutual friend as someone who has grown constantly in her faith and in her likeness to Jesus since the day they met.

That’s what I want.  I want for people to see me in 6 weeks and see a change in my heart and in my motives and in my likeness of Christ.

Sometimes I look at myself and recognize areas in which I’ve digressed. I have fallen short on things that I thought I’d learned and conquered. I replay conversations with friends that didn’t even sound like God was present for. My alone time was spent selfishly. My time with the Lord was non-existent.

When I asked this wise friend what she did to grow so much that everyone notices it, her answer was (of course) one that wasn’t cut and dry.  It wasn’t something that I could go home and do today.  I honestly don’t know what her answer was exactly.  But here is what I got out of it: It’s about knowing the Lord.  It’s not about growing because I want people to think that I’m godly (or because I actually want to be godly), It’s not about growing because I want my relationships to be good or because I want to have a great career.  It’s about knowing the Lord, and as a direct affect of that growing.  Becoming more like Him.

That’s how I’ll become an expert blesser.  That’s how I’ll find purpose and identity.