Monthly Archives: February 2011

Hey there, Pretty weather.


Today I…

laid on a blanket by the lake and giggled with a bunch of girls,

strolled the streets of downtown Greenville with Amanda and talked about all kinds of girly things,

painted my nails the color of a turquoise Easter egg,

wore shorts and Chacos,

sat in a rocking chair on a front porch,

read and read and read,

forgot things that needed forgetting,

smiled all day.

Today I welcomed spring with open arms

even if it may not be here to stay.

Love is Here


Dad giving up his Sunday afternoon nap to change his incapable daughter’s flat tire.

Locking the deadbolt at night (even though, honestly that’s not the norm here) when the real adults are out of town to make sure that sis feels safe.

Waiting until 9:30 or 10 to eat dinner because her husband is working his second job and shouldn’t have to eat alone.

Staying home from a friends house so that mom won’t have to spend the evening alone.

Working 2 jobs so that his wife and kids don’t have to, never once complaining.

Agonizing over the absolute perfect Christmas/Birthday/Anniversary gift for each other every single year because they won’t settle for less.

Building a huge rock fireplace for your children’s mother, because that’s the next best thing to having a log cabin in the middle of nowhere.

Watering the gardens (and if you’ve been to our house, you’ve seen the 37,541 flower patches around the yard) every morning for your wife before you leave for work…even if it means waking up at 6 instead of 6:30 or 7.

Pretending like she falls for it every single week when her precious, yet finacially challenged daughter (that’s me, in case you couldn’t guess) says, “Hey mom, tell me.  How would YOU like to invest only insert random amount of money here for a useless object like 10 sheets of felt or scrapbook paper in your favorite daughter’s future?”

This is the presence of love in our house.  (In response to a way better post by Lacey– and as I link this, I feel like I’ve reached an all new level of blogger stalking…two links to her in a month.  YES!  That’s only slight creepy.)

What about you?  Maybe you should blog about it, too?

Happy Valentine’s day.  Just because you aren’t dating/married to anyone doesn’t mean you can’t show people that you love them.  I wish I’d realized that the past 24 V-Days.



Do you want to know what I hate?  Reading the book before watching the movie. (And what’s the point in spending 2 weeks reading the book, if you’ve already seen the movie?)

#13 (and rightfully so, it’s never a good thing):  Read a book before watching the movie.

The thing is, you either get really, really angry at the book for not being as great as the movie, or really, really, really mad at the movie for not being anywhere close to the book.

Pride and Prejudice is WAY better in movie form.

Voyage of the Dawn Treader should have never been made into a movie unless they were going to copy the book page by page.

My Sister’s Keeper was also much, much better in book form.

Needless to say, #13 is crossed off, and it will never be intentionally done again.  I’ve only left the theatre angry at someone for messing something up.  I find no value in this.

Goal 4 (of 11, obviously)


I love to make things.  I’m obsessed with crafts.  All crafts.

And stories.  I love writing stories. And telling stories (in case you couldn’t tell).

Goal 4: Before the end of February, I am determined to make my very own etsy shop.  Full of lots of stuff that if no one buys, I will gladly keep to decorate my room.  (it’s going to be really weird when I have other people’s initials hanging on my wall, or several scarves that look very much alike.)

The cost of realization


You know how some smells or sounds or even the general temperature can bring back to memory something sweet or scary or sacred?

Today it was the light of the sun.  Just the way it reflected from the clouds, or the way the shadows rested, or something.

It brought back memories that were so sweet, but that today I feel like I might have been better off not remembering.

Sometimes I wonder if memories are here to torture me or to remind me of something great.  It always seems like the former initially, but usually, I come to rest at the truth that my remembrance has given me a better and more meaningful understanding of how blessed I was or am.

I just wish that realization didn’t cost so much.