Monthly Archives: June 2012

For You. For You. For You.


Last night I had the opportunity to serve communion at the gathering.  

As each person comes to partake in the Eucharist, we say

“This is the body of Christ given for you.” 

“This is the blood of Christ shed for you.”

It was a powerful few minutes for me.  Over and over and over I got to be the person reminding believers that the Death of Jesus was for them.

For the girl whose parents were abusive.

This is the body of Christ, given to you.

For the man who is hungry

This is the blood of Christ, shed for you.

For the couple who can’t conceive.

This is the body of Christ, given for you.

For the girl with a broken heart.

This is the blood of Christ shed for you.

For the family who just adopted.

This is the body of Christ given for you.

For the newlyweds.

This is blood of Christ shed for you.

For the person who just experienced God for the first time.

This is the body of Christ given for you.

For me, Sarah Harris.

This is the blood of Christ shed for you.

For you, friend.

This is the body of Christ given for you.

This is the blood of Christ shed for you.